
Images & icons that are a part of the Mirro Template.

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All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.

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The images in this template come from Unsplash. Their license allows you to freely download and use images from their site for commercial and non-commercial purposes. No attribution needed. See Unsplash's license page.

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The icons on the site are free to use by LineIcons.

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Mockups used for the presets and print products are made by the incredibly talented Anthony Boyd.


Frequently asked questions about the Mirro template.

Do I need to know a ton of Webflow before building my site?

No! The Mirro Template comes with all the functionality that you'll likely need for your site. However, it's a good idea to at least get comfortable with Webflow University's videos (they're great!) so that you know where to go if you run into any issues.

My site takes forever to load!

Check to make sure that your images aren't taking up an unnecessary amount of space on the site. A great way to reduce file sizes is through a service like TinyJPG or through an app like ImageOptim or Squash.

Can you help me with my site?

If you've run into any issues with the template, please write a comment under Support on the Mirro Template page and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. You can also email us directly at

What's the best format for icons and logotypes?

SVGs, SVGs, SVGs. Don't let anybody tell you differently.

Can you build my site for me?

You never know! Send us at GKDC an email at, and we'll take it from there. The minimum budget for a web project at GKDC is $3000.

Can I use custom fonts in this template?

Of course you can. Here's a great tutorial on custom fonts. Remember, if you change the font for Body (All Pages) — every little piece of typography on this entire site will change. Isn't that amazing?